Menopause treatment North Brunswick, NJ - Balance Hormone Clinic

Overview of Menopause

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years. The average age for menopause onset is 51, but it can happen earlier or later.

Defining Menopause

Menopause is diagnosed after a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause, which can start 8-10 years before menopause. During perimenopause, hormone levels fluctuate and start to decline, causing symptoms like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, and mood changes.

Perimenopause symptoms are caused by estrogen dominance in relation to progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone work together to regulate the menstrual cycle. As progesterone declines faster than estrogen in perimenopause, a relative estrogen dominance occurs even though overall hormone levels are dropping. This hormonal imbalance is why supplements of both estrogen and progesterone may be helpful.

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Menopause Causes

Menopause occurs because of the natural depletion of ovarian follicles. Women are born with about 1-2 million immature egg follicles, but most will never fully develop and be released during ovulation over the reproductive years. By menopause, the ovarian reserve is nearly gone. With fewer viable follicles, the ovaries make less estrogen and progesterone, causing menopausal symptoms.

Other factors like surgery, chemotherapy, or primary ovarian insufficiency can induce menopause earlier than natural menopause around age 51.

Signs of Menopause Onset

The most common signs of perimenopause and menopause are:

Not all women experience severe symptoms, but most have at least some moderate issues around menopause that can impact quality of life without treatment. Tracking cycles and symptom journals are helpful to identify trends.

Menopause Impacts on Health

The drop in estrogen and progesterone at menopause has implications beyond just menopausal symptoms. The loss of hormonal protection can increase longer term health risks like osteoporosis and heart disease when left untreated.

Effects on Bones

Estrogen plays an important role in bone health for both women and men. In women, estrogen helps deposit calcium into bones to maintain structural integrity. At menopause, the accelerated bone loss due to low estrogen is a main reason women over 50 are at higher risk for osteoporosis and fractures. Fragile bones may show no obvious symptoms until a fracture occurs, highlighting the importance of early screening and prevention of bone loss.

Effects on Heart Health

Estrogen is cardio-protective, helping to keep blood vessels flexible and improve circulation. During the menopausal transition and after, women lose this benefit and are at greater risk of cardiovascular issues. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain, insomnia, and inflammation also contribute to heart disease risk after menopause.

Other Health Impacts

Lower estrogen levels can contribute to additional concerns like:

Without treatment, women may struggle with menopausal symptoms and related health issues for a prolonged period given current life expectancies. Therapies can help mitigate short and long term effects on wellbeing and function.

Take control of your menopause symptoms now!

Available Menopausal Therapies

The main categories of treatment for perimenopausal and menopausal women include:

Lifestyle Modifications

Healthy lifestyle choices like a nutritious diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress reduction techniques help alleviate some symptoms naturally without medical intervention. These should be the foundation for supporting hormonal changes. Targeted lifestyle changes include:

While extremely helpful, lifestyle remedies alone may not resolve all perimenopause or menopause issues satisfactorily for some women. Additional therapies can further improve quality of life.

Prescription Medications

If symptoms persist despite lifestyle management, medications might be appropriate. Common drugs used in managing menopause include:

Oral or transdermal estrogen and/or progesterone therapy remain the gold standard prescription treatment when lifestyle changes and other medications fail to provide adequate relief.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bioidentical hormones are identical in structure to the hormones naturally produced by the ovaries with the decline of the menstrual cycle. Made from plant sources, bioidentical estrogens and progesterone effectively supplement decreasing levels to bring the body back into hormonal balance gently and safely without monthly cycling.

There are no harmful peak effects as with oral hormone drug therapy. BHRT therapy customizes combinations, doses, and delivery methods to match each woman's needs during the transitional time before and after menopause.

Managed correctly by an experienced hormone specialist, many women can benefit from bioidentical HRT for symptom relief without increasing health risks. effects as with oral hormone drug therapy. BHRT therapy customizes combinations, doses, and delivery methods to match each woman's needs during the transitional time before and after menopause.

Balance Hormone Clinic Specializes in Menopause Treatment

The clinicians at Balance Hormone Clinic bring over 25 years of experience supporting women through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We also provide comprehensive lifestyle guidance tailored to menopausal concerns.

Our Hormone Replacement Approach

Every body processes hormones differently. We partner with patients to develop fully personalized BHRT based on their symptoms, medical history, hormone blood panels, and special considerations. This specialization sets us apart. Treatment plans integrate:

Adjustments over time ensure results continue to meet therapeutic goals and expectations.

Components of Our Menopause Care Model

Compassionate listening and sharing knowledge empower our patients. We guide women through the changes using:

Symptom Tracking: Ongoing collaboration tracking symptoms and side effects prevents over or under treatment while validating the woman's experience.

Routine Follow-Ups: Consistent monitoring every 3 months in the first year and twice yearly after optimizes treatment plans.

Blood Panels: Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and other diagnostic labs inform dosage decisions.

Lifestyle Support: Evidence-based diet, exercise, and stress reducing interventions complement hormone therapy.

Holistic Options: Acupuncture, supplements, mindfulness techniques address additional needs.

Prescription Integration: We work with your other prescribers ensuring coordinated care.

Crisis Assistance: Same day appointments during rough patches provide coping strategies.

Community Referrals: Connections to mental health resources, physical therapists, sleep specialists, etc.

Why Choose Balance Hormone Clinic for Menopause Treatment?

As specialists coordinating care across disciplines, Balance Hormone Clinic goes above and beyond. Our goal is aligning your hormones and health allowing you to thrive! We have remained at the forefront of bioidentical hormone therapy for over 20 years because we consistently achieve excellent treatment outcomes through expertise and attentive support.

Patients choose us because we offer:

Balance Hormone Clinic combines clinical excellence with genuine caring. Contact us today to explore whether hormone replacement can help you live your best life before and after menopause.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Breakdown

Let's explore key aspects of bioidentical hormone therapy provided through Balance Hormone Clinic for perimenopause and menopause in more detail.

Interesting fact

Acupuncture has shown promise as an effective menopause symptom reliever in some studies. One analysis found it significantly reduced hot flashes and improved mood when compared to no treatment. More research is still needed, but acupuncture could offer a drug-free treatment option for some women struggling with menopausal symptoms.

Hormones Used in BHRT

The main bioidentical hormones used to address menopausal changes are:


Estradiol is the strongest natural estrogen. It helps regulate menstrual cycles and stabilizes moods while supporting heart health, bones, breasts, skin, hair, weight, bladder function, and libido.

With menopause, estradiol production declines leading to symptoms like hot flashes, sleep disruption, and vaginal dryness. Estradiol supplementation alleviates issues related to low estrogen levels. Creams, gels, pellets, and patches can deliver estradiol.


The main role of progesterone relates to maintaining pregnancies, but this vital hormone has other important functions. Working synergistically with estrogens, progesterone helps govern the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance more broadly.

Progesterone provides stabilizing benefits influencing mood, weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and more while supporting bone formation and thyroid functioning. Declining progesterone levels lead to estrogen dominance causing menopause symptoms. Restoring optimal progesterone can correct this imbalance.

Oral progesterone capsules, progesterone creams, or sustained release progesterone pellets can be used to supplement low progesterone levels.


Testosterone plays a bigger role in female health than commonly realized. Low testosterone contributes to many perimenopause and menopause concerns like low libido, fatigue, muscle weakness, reduced motivation, and weight gain in midlife women.

Balancing declining testosterone levels through testosterone pellets, creams, or injections can effectively treat these previously inevitable issues around menopause while also helping stabilize moods and energy levels. Newer short acting testosterone therapies present a safe option for testosterone replacement in women.

Other bioidentical hormones like DHEA or growth hormone may be beneficial on a case by case basis depending on symptoms and blood panels but are rarely needed with proper balancing of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Thyroid hormones also influence menopausal changes which we monitor and support.

Take charge of your menopause symptoms today!

Testing and Diagnosis

To determine if bioidentical hormone therapy is warranted, clinicians at Balance Hormone Clinic evaluate hormone blood levels along with symptom impact. Common lab tests include:

Estrogen blood tests help identify which component of estrogen metabolism might be causing issues to target treatment effectively.

Progesterone blood analysis aids finding optimal progesterone dosing, which can vary widely at menopause onset even with similar estradiol levels.

Testosterone lab work establishes a baseline level to restore with supplementation, with ideal testosterone ranges differing for women compared to men.

Other relevant tests check thyroid functioning, vitamin D, hemoglobin A1C, and cholesterol to uncover any abnormalities influencing symptoms or requiring simultaneous management.

Ongoing follow-up tests continue to guide dosing adjustments attaining the best symptom relief with the least amount of hormones necessary as the body transitions. Targeted treatment prevents over and under-dosing through objective data.

Bioidentical HRT Administration Routes

BHRT dosage forms cater to patient preferences and lifestyles:

Oral Delivery

Capsules of bioidentical progesterone taken at night can help stabilize erratic cycles, moderate estrogen dominance for symptom relief, promote restful sleep, and offer other therapeutic effects throughout transition.

Transdermal Options

Creams contain bioidentical estrogens with or without progesterone which absorb through skin barriers to mimic natural rhythms. This avoids single dose peaks and rapid metabolization oral estrogen causes.

Users apply hormone creams to rotating sites along inner wrists or to the upper thighs once or twice daily improving convenience and absorption. Effects can take up to a month for maximal benefits.

Gels and sprays work similarly placing bioidentical estrogens and progesterone directly onto the skin without swallowing pills. Low dose gels or sprays achieve steady hormone delivery.


Transdermal patches placed on the lower abdomen, buttocks, or other discreet location supply continuous bioidentical estrogen absorption through the skin as natural estrogen production declines. Progesterone patches are also available.

Patches contain the lowest doses of bioidentical hormones, so multiples may be needed. Twice weekly application aids user compliance, rotating placement sites.


Subcutaneous hormone pellets inserted under the skin steadily release bioidentical estrogens, testosterone, and occasionally progesterone over 3-6 months depending on the preparation. This achieves stable long term hormone levels in the optimal balance.

The minor placement procedure requires no incisions and numbing medication makes it comfortable. Estrogen testosterone combined pellets effectively treat hot flashes while restoring libido, stamina, and other benefits. Lasting results reduce user burden.

Follow-up blood labs help determine when to replace pellets, usually every 4-5 months. For women nearing or past menopause who know they desire extended treatment, pellets offer an excellent hormone therapy solution.

Proper Use of Bioidentical HRT

Two key factors lead to successful bioidentical HRT outcomes: proper hormone balance tailored to the individual, and consistency sticking with the treatment plan to realize the full scope of benefits. When prescribed and monitored appropriately by our experienced practitioners to meet therapeutic needs, bioidentical estrogens and progesterone can be used safely long term without increased health risks.

Minimizing menopause symptoms guides starting doses, which are adjusted based on follow up labs and ongoing collaboration assessing treatment response. If menopause symptoms or high risk for osteoporosis exist, consider beginning sooner for protectiveness. Sufficient hormones alleviate issues without exceeding necessary levels once stabilized. Patience may be needed when initiating HRT while awaiting symptom relief when starting low plus gradual upward titration. Temporary dose increases alleviate acute symptom flares when they rarely occur.

Importance of Hormonal Balance at Menopause

Allowing declining ovarian function to progress untreated predicts worse long term health consequences for those inclined towards bone loss, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Prompt diagnosis and treatment with thoughtful BHRT management prevents this natural decline from progressing unchecked when lifestyle remedies don't adequately control symptoms or promote wellness.

Hormonal transitions later than nature intended require more extreme interventions trying to regain ground lost. Through properly balanced and monitored hormone replacement started early enough, negative trajectory shifts reverse more easily preventing chronic issues compounding each other and requiring aggressive treatment.

Healthy lifestyle habits complement hormone therapy preventing excessive weight gain plus achieving safe cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels. But the reality is hormone optimization establishes the foundation facilitating nutrition and activity changes actually succeeding by alleviating the exhaustion, pain, and emotional obstacles untreated menopausal issues create. Then women feel empowered in reclaiming their vitality.

North Brunswick Area Details for New Patients

Balance Hormone Clinic is conveniently located in North Brunswick, NJ to support the perimenopause and menopause transitions for local women as well as those in central New Jersey willing to travel. Medical director Dr. Erin Stone ND, MPH directs our practice along with seasoned nurse practitioners Maria Gonzalez RN, FNP-BC and Usha Singh APN-C. Our compassionate team stays abreast of the latest bioidentical hormone research to craft integrative treatment plans catered to prevent and alleviate symptoms for each woman's unique menopause experience.

We understand the challenges this phase brings about. North Brunswick's humid continental type climate with cold snowy winters followed by long humid summers can definitely intensify menopausal heat sensitivity and aggravate joint aches. Layering clothing helps moderate personal temperature swings along with staying well hydrated year round. Cooling vests provide portable relief and breathable summer pajamas promote restful sleep. Keeping rooms cooler with added air circulation further prevents night sweats and hot flashes from disrupting vital restorative rest.

North Brunswick contains over 32 parks with paved paths ideal for low impact walking and contemplation as natural endorphins gently elevate moods. Nearby fitness centers offer indoor options getting the heart rate up safely while building lean muscle and bone density. Gentle yoga classes increase flexibility, mindfulness, and inner quiet. Rutgers RWJ Fitness and Wellness Center programs range from Zumba dance to Pilates to aquatic aerobics. Massage therapists address muscular tightness and therapists process challenging emotions around self-identity changes.

Healthy dining options exist like vegetarian India Palace or clean cuisine from Seasons 52. For lab testing needs, Birch Family Services, Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, and Rutgers doctors easily handle blood draws and female panels. Come experience how our integrative healing atmosphere encourages women to discuss sensitive issues freely while receiving the latest medical wisdom guiding health in hopeful new directions. Balance Hormone Clinic brings skill, experience, understanding, and choices together transforming menopause into a meaningful passage, not a dread endurance.

Treating Key Menopausal Symptoms

Now let's explore specific remedies provided at Balance Hormone Clinic to alleviate common disruptive menopausal symptoms.

Targeting Hot Flashes

Hot flashes afflict over 75% of women transitioning into menopause as declining estrogen levels dysregulate the hypothalamus' set point for body temperature. Sudden intense internal heat rising from the chest up lasting 1-5 minutes often leaves women flushed,

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